
project mockup

An innovative mobile application for athletes and fitness enthusiasts

Their mission is to make sports practice even more accessible and motivating through personalized advice, tailored training plans, and performance tracking tools.

Their mission is to make sports practice even more accessible and motivating through personalized advice, tailored training plans, and performance tracking tools.

The need

Skwash is a fast-growing start-up that developed a mobile application for athletes and fitness enthusiasts. During my time at Skwash, I faced various mobile development tasks, from implementing new features to optimizing the application's performance.

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My work

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As a mobile developer at Skwash, I closely collaborated with the development team to create new features and enhance the app's user experience. I also contributed to the app's performance optimization and technical problem-solving.


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During my time at Skwash, I contributed to developing new features for the app, particularly introducing performance tracking functions and personalized advice.


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Optimizing the app's performance was an essential aspect of my work at Skwash. I focused on improving the app's responsiveness and reducing loading times.


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As with every development project, debugging was crucial. I contributed to solving technical issues and improving the app's stability.


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Setting up CI/CD processes was crucial for ensuring efficient app deployment. I worked on automating development and deployment workflows.

Interested in the company?

Feel free to visit their website to learn more!