
11-2023 / 12-2023
project mockup

Mobility, accessible to everyone, eco-friendly and cost-effective!

Thousands of electric scooters available for self-service in Paris, Milan, and Turin. From the app, book a scooter in one click and ride freely, without polluting and noise-free.

Cityscoot works on several dimensions, societal and environmental. For the former, 4 major issues: 1 - Measuring emissions and internalizing skills, 2 - Optimizing the lifespan of scooters, 3 - Reducing the carbon footprint, and finally 4 - improving the life of products and parts. For the latter, Cityscoot gives users the keys to use the service safely, there is a strategy for gender equality in service use. Their services take into account the needs of every age and adapt their service to include people with disabilities.

The need

Cityscoot has recently embarked on major internal work to overhaul parts of the application or to internalize certain services. A considerable team has been formed to work effectively on all these projects, and now, with a team of over thirty skilled developers, they are developing their products of tomorrow.

project mockup

My work

project mockup

Joining Cityscoot, I was able to be part of the team dedicated to the creation and optimization of the operational application. The goal was to enable maintenance agents of the scooter fleet to detect, intervene, and report on their interventions more quickly and efficiently. Feature development, testing, and refactoring were on the agenda within a monorepo software architecture.


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Since the application was incomplete when I arrived, many features were in development or about to be launched. I actively participated in these tasks.


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Using a monorepo architecture, generic creation and use of the code were necessary. The application needed refactoring of some components to make them available for all the tools using the repository.


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As the code was used in several projects, it was necessary to run a series of tests. I contributed to the development of some.


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Communication and teamwork were essential among the front-end, back-end, and ops teams for certain debugging issues.

Interested in the company?

Feel free to visit their website to learn more!

For the iOS app, click here!

Play store redirection

For the Android app, click here!

Play store redirection