Reanimated 2: The Animation Library for React Native

06 décembre, 2023


Reanimated 2: The Animation Library for React Native

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Description of Reanimated and Why to Use It

"Reanimated" is an advanced library for React Native, designed to handle complex and smooth animations in mobile applications. Unlike the standard animation API of React Native, Reanimated provides greater flexibility and better performance. Here are some key points to remember about Reanimated: 1️⃣ **Optimized Performance** 2️⃣ **Declarative API** 3️⃣ **Advanced Control** 4️⃣ **Compatibility with Hooks** 5️⃣ **Use of Worklets**

Optimized Performance

Traditionally, in React Native, animations are managed by the JavaScript thread. However, Reanimated moves much of the animation processing to the native thread. This means that even if the JavaScript thread is overloaded with other tasks, the animations continue to run smoothly. (we talk about different Threads in another article!) By reducing the load on the JavaScript thread and more efficiently exploiting the capabilities of the native thread, Reanimated allows for more optimal use of the device's resources. This translates into better responsiveness of the application and a smoother user experience (goodbye frame rate drops 📉). Thanks to this approach, animations with Reanimated are smoother and more responsive. Even in complex scenarios where multiple animations are happening simultaneously, Reanimated ensures smooth rendering without slowing down the user interface. By avoiding blockages of the main thread, React Native applications with Reanimated offer a more consistent and reliable user experience, even when performing heavy tasks in the background.