Optimizations in React Native - Part 3

20 décembre, 2023


Optimizations in React Native - Part 3

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1 - Removing Unnecessary Libraries in React Native

So, the title might make you smile, but it remains an essential point AND I think we underestimate a number of developers for not being up to speed on this subject. Said like that, it might seem ridiculous, but when you have your head down, with features, debugs, and other topics piling up for various reasons, we quickly forget this essential part. So, we're going to take a look at it, especially since there are some quite useful techniques for this, after all. Because yes, removing unnecessary libraries helps reduce loading times and improve the overall user experience.

Identifying Superfluous Libraries:

First of all, it's important to analyze your project to detect libraries that are no longer used or that have a negative impact on performance. Tools such as webpack-bundle-analyzer or react-native-bundle-visualizer can help visualize the size of dependencies and their impact on the application.