Kévin Bidet

Freelance Developer React-Native and React

Expand your business with a new mobile app or a customized website

Enhance the online presence of your brand with custom mobile and web applications, designed for seamless growth and expansion.

I believe creativity has the power to transform brands and ensure the success of businesses. As a leading freelance specialist in digital solutions, I am passionate and help businesses like yours stand out in the competitive landscape of today's market.


Latest projects

Explore my latest projects. Creativity in action.

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Surround (future) parents to help them serenely take care of their pregnancy, their children, and their parental wellbeing.


Let's get started!

Here's how I proceed

Step 1

Contact me

Ready to take your app to the next level? Contact me today to discuss your ideas and objectives. I am here to provide you with quality expertise and support throughout the process. Let's turn your vision into reality through custom development.

Step 2

First meeting

In our first meeting, we'll dive deep into understanding your unique needs. I'll listen to your ideas, analyze your target audience, and discuss your brand identity. Through collaborative discussions, I'll create a website reflecting your business goals and effectively engaging your visitors.

Step 3

Project start

With a solid plan in place, I'll begin turning your vision into a stunning app. I'll merge your captivating designs with flawless functionalities, ensuring an outstanding user experience. From development to deployment, I'll work efficiently to deliver a top-quality application exceeding your expectations.

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They trusted meProfessional Partners

I am very proud to work with exceptional companies. I pay particular attention to transparency and the quality of my work, so that you can get the most out of your applications and get closer to your goals. Join the list of companies that have worked with me for their online presence. Let me bring your projects to life with customized development that stands out from the competition.

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What makes a good application? High-quality code, informative content, a design that reflects you, top-notch performances, and a true representation of your business. This is the most important platform to convince potential customers and create a digital experience for your brand.

High-quality Code

Creating code is important, but even more so, having impeccable code quality is essential. As a developer with over 5 years of experience, it is vital for your business's survival to have readable, easy-to-maintain, documented, and tested code. This ensures that your team can easily pick up the work.


As a developer with a real sense of professionalism, I place great importance on being upfront and transparent with my clients about all subjects discussed during our collaboration. Work monitoring, payments, technical choices, or availability, for example.


As a client, you may not necessarily specialize in development. My primary role is to develop, but also, more importantly, to advise you on the technical directions your project should take. All this while adapting to your different objectives, in order to best reconcile speed and quality.


Throughout my previous experiences, I have had the opportunity to work with teams of different sizes or simply alone. I find it essential to be able to adapt to the team with appropriate communication, whether face to face or remotely. Likewise, as an experienced developer on several subjects, I am capable of mentoring more junior profiles and passing on my knowledge.


For some time now, telecommuting has become more commonplace. It's easier to open international doors and allows greater adaptability within teams. I'm not closed to the idea of working face-to-face, but prefer to telework whenever possible, and I'm not bothered by jet lag if there is any.

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Contact me via pro.kevin.bidet@gmail.com

I generally prefer to work from home, but working on-site offers a different working atmosphere that I also appreciate. So, I am open to both.

In general, the longer the assignment, the better I can organize myself, so it's more comfortable for me. But I can also handle short assignments.

My daily rate is 500€ excluding taxes.

I generally work from 9 am to 5 pm with a 2-hour lunch break. However, I remain flexible if needed, especially when I need to physically commute.

Time difference for a client located abroad is no issue for me. I am self-sufficient and report on my work every evening.

If it's our first time working together, I like to use Malt for security reasons. If you can't do that, I ask for an upfront payment before starting the assignment.

I am primarily a React-Native developer. As you can see, I also know how to work with React, but I am less familiar with web-related issues than with mobile.

The MaySanté application is clearly my biggest project. I wasn't freelance yet, but as the only company employee in charge of full-time application development, I consider the working environment was similar.

I don't have a preference for industries. The main thing is to best support my clients with the technology I love.

I accept all types of contracts. If you wish to work with me for 3 days, or 2 days a week for debugging, for example, I would be delighted to do so.

I don't consider myself to have the artistic flair of a designer. However, I know how to use Figma and can give advice to improve work in general.

Yes, of course, I am available by phone but also by video conference.

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